Sign letter to Iran’s people

From: Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK
Subject: To the people of Iran…
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2020 17:28

Add your name to our open letter to the people of Iran and share it widely!
We will publish it in Iran and stream it all over social media on January 25, the International No War WIth Iran Day of Action.

We join the world in mourning the horrific loss of lives from downed flight 752, and we hold Trump at least partially responsible for this accident since he provoked the dangerous crisis that led up to the crash. Unfortunately, Trump’s manufactured crisis is far from over—he has announced even more brutal sanctions against Iran, deepening the suffering of millions of ordinary Iranians. We could be back at the brink of war at any moment.
Trump and his war-loving cronies are continuing to escalate with hateful threats and new forms of aggression. But, we have a plan: if we bring our call for peace directly inside Iran, we can show their people that ordinary Americans are not like Donald Trump, and that he does NOT represent us. Rather than war, we want PEACE!
The bigger we can make our call for peace through an open letter, the greater our chance of showing Iranians that Americans don’t stand with Trump. Add your name, and share it with EVERYONE. We will publish it in Iran and blast it all over social media on January 25, the International No War WIth Iran Day of Action.

Dear people of Iran,
We, the American people, are horrified by the actions of our government to provoke a war with you. From President Trump’s dangerous decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear agreement, to the crippling sanctions his administration has imposed, to the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani—President Trump and his administration have pushed our two nations to the brink of war.
Unlike our president, we do not want to provoke a war with your country. We want to live in peace and harmony with the people of Iran. We pledge to do everything in our power to stop the U.S. from carrying out further attacks on Iran and to end the brutal sanctions which have already caused immense suffering to millions of ordinary Iranian citizens.
Please accept our hand in friendship. May the peacemakers prevail over those who sow hatred and discord.

Click to add your name to the letter!

Last week the House voted for and passed a war powers resolution stating that without congressional approval, Trump cannot carry out a military strike on Iran. The Senate will vote on a companion resolution soon, but even though this is a necessary first step, it is far from enough. As Trump beats the drums of war, our voices are crucially needed to show to the people of Iran—and the world— our desires for peace!
While Trump, Mike Pompeo, Brian Hook, and others are demanding Iran “behave like a normal nation,” they are continuing to support and sell arms to the terrorist country of Saudi Arabia, a country that has created the largest humanitarian crisis on the planet in Yemen. What hypocrisy!
If we come together now, we can help make sure every Iranian citizen who hears Trump’s hateful rhetoric will also hear from us too. Add your name to CODEPINK’s open letter, and choose 10 friends to share it with. Let’s make our message of peace impossible to ignore!

Like we did when our government dragged us into war with Iraq, we at CODEPINK will stand up to the massive institutions that seek more wars for more profits. We will not back down. We have humanity, justice and the majority of people all over the world on our side. Join us in stopping the next war!
With hope and determination,
Medea, Ann, Ariel, Asia, Carley, Caty, Cody, Emily, Enas, Jodie, Leonardo, Michelle, Nancy, Paki, Teri, and Tighe

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