‘Nukes-Free Europe’ – 27 April Web meeting

Invitation: Nuke Free Europe Open Meeting  Discussing Actions & Activities in 2021 for a Nuclear Weapons Free Europe

April 27th, 2021 06:00 PM CEST

To learn more about the networks appeal and call for actions visit: www.nukefreeeurope.eu


1. Welcome & Introductions by Reiner Braun

2. The Johnson Provocation: New Nuclear Weapons – Information by Kate Hudson
& discussion about common actions

3. September Actions in the Nuclear Sharing Countries (see enclosed Call for Actions)

3a. General Information by Ludo de Brabander

3b. Bike Tour Information by Konni Schmidt

3c. Discussion about Preparations and next Steps

3d. Parallel Actions in other Countries

3e. Next planned Webinars

3f. Evaluation: Nuclear Sharing Webinar by Angelika Claussen

5. Information about Website and Part-time Staff

6. Finances

7. Next Meetings

Please register in advance for this meeting on Zoom:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting
Any questions about the event can be send to: info@ipb-office.berlin     —
Lucas Wirl

Information list of the network No to War – No to NATO www.no-to-nato.org, info@no-to-nato.net Follow us also on www.facebook.com/NotoWAR.NotoNATO twitter.com/no_to_nato
The public archive is here: https://lists.riseup.net/www/arc/no-to-nato
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